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关于Google Apps域名的转出

起初为了比较方便地开通Google Apps 服务就直接通过GG申请了域名,而实际上这个域名也是Google 通过Godaddy 管理的,并且设置了Private Registration 保护域名的注册信息。但是通过Google Apps 获得的Godaddy 账户不能直接在Godaddy 登陆(他们称之为“GoDaddy Google Sign-In Name”,只能通过Google Apps的专有入口登陆进行管理),因此就不能享受到Godaddy的一些免费服务,如:共享主机、邮箱、相册、统计 等等。

Google Apps 的高级DNS设置页面提供了域名管理系统的入口链接:
Advanced DNS setting

下面两幅图分别是Google Apps 与 GoDaddy 的管理界面,可以看出一些区别:

于是打算将域名从Google Apps托管转出,直接放在Godaddy上管理。虽然本质上讲,这种transfer就是将域名从Godaddy转到Godaddy,但由于是属于不同子系统,所以只好按一般的transfer流程实现。不过整个流程非常方便(不像国内有些域名服务商转个域名还要给它提交身份证明,最后由它解锁,而且还要以发函的形式索取转移授权密码),需要确认的环节都是由用户自行审批(这其实也反映出用户对自己所购域名拥有绝对所有权),顺利的话一个小时就能搞定。 


1、通过Google Apps 入口登陆域名管理系统(相当于原域名注册商),将要转移的域名状态改为unlock,并将 Authorization code 发一份到自己邮箱;

2、登陆Godaddy 的帐户,点击Domain Related 下的 Domains Transfer,输入要转移的域名,如

3、如果前面做的域名解锁已经生效,这里会显示Available For Transfer,接下来开始Checkout(Godaddy的推销广告真是多),如果只是转移域名,最终的费用在USD$7左右(不知道是否是当前优惠,我的从09年直接续到了2011年),至于支付方式,个人感觉用双币信用卡是最方便的(域名转移没有可用优惠码的);

4、在完成Godaddy 的购买后,Godaddy 会向原域名所有者的邮箱发一封邮件通知域名转移的Transaction ID Security Code,最终会转发到你的邮箱的;

5、与其它域名转移不同的,将Google Apps域名transfer out之前还需要取消前面提到的Private Registration 服务,否则会收到类似这样的原因 “Express written objection to the transfer from the Transfer Contact”而被拒绝;取消的方法如下:

登陆由于private registration是由Google代理申请的,所以这里的customer number和密码都需要通过'Forgot your password'找回),My Domains

选择上要取消Private Registration的域名,按Continue继续

最后选择”Yes - Cancel Domains by Proxy® for the domain name(s) listed above.”

完成后会显示如下信息,表示已经成功取消了该域名的Private Registration:
Your request has been processed but may take a few minutes to appear. Please be patient.


6、再次进入Godaddy 的帐户,在Domain Manager的Pending Transfers选择要转移的域名信息,在Authorization点Begin Transfer Authorization,输入邮箱收到的Transaction ID和Security Code,最后要求输入域名转移密码(EPP Key),即通过邮箱接收的授权码。

image7、至此在Godaddy 上的转移步骤基本上完成了,同时也会收到一堆有关transfer进度的通知邮件。

但为了能更快地完成转移,接下来再回到Google Apps的域名管理系统,选择Domains菜单下的Pending Transfers,如右图所示;可以看到正在等待审核通过的域名,选中它点 Accept/Decline,选择Accept 。

8、完成后会收到一封来自[email protected] 的邮件告知:
This is to confirm that the following domain name(s) has been successfully transferred away from Google Apps to another registrar .
同时Godaddy 也会发一封完成通知:
Congratulations! The transfer request for the following domain name(s) has been completed .

至此整个转移结束了,最快一个小时搞定。但不好的消息是我发现域名转移到Godaddy后,原来Google Apps的相关NS设置都被没了,幸好前面做过备份,将Godaddy 的默认设置删除后导入之前的设置就行了,目前还没感觉到 Google Apps 服务因此而受到什么影响。


Cancel the Private Registration (取消私有注册)

The private registration for your domain is managed through Domains By Proxy, while the domain registration is managed by us.

You will need to log into your account with Domains By Proxy in order to cancel the privacy service. We have received the following instructions from Domains By Proxy for canceling private registration service for a domain:

• Go to and click on 'My Account'.
• Log in to your Domains by Proxy account.

-If you do not remember your Domains by Proxy login information, click on the 'Forgot your password?' link to retrieve your customer number and reset your password

• Once logged in, click on 'My Domains'.
• Check the box next to the domain(s) you wish to cancel private registration for.
• Click on 'Continue'.
• Confirm that you wish to cancel the registration by selecting YES.
• Click the 'Submit' button.

You will then receive an email regarding the cancellation. The domain will no longer appear in your Domains by Proxy account, and the cancellation will not affect any other services on the domain such as DNS or email. Please remember that cancellation of the private registration is not refundable.

If you have any other questions regarding the cancellation of your private registration, please contact the Domains By Proxy support staff using the following URL:

Unlock the Domain (域名解锁)

To Unlock your domain name, you will need to follow the below instructions.

1. Go to and click on 'Returning user, sign inhere' on the top right.

2. Enter your domain and select "Manage this Domain" from the drop down and click 'Go.'

3. Now you will need to login to your Google account utilizing a username and password you previously created specifically for Google Apps for your domain. If you do not know this information, click 'Forgot your administrator username or password?'

4. Once logged in, select 'Domain Names' from the blue box that lists your domain.

5. Click on "Advanced DNS Settings".

6. You will now see listed your GoDaddy Google Sign-In Name, Password, and PIN.

7. Select "Sign in to DNS Console" in order to manage your DNS settings.

8. Now enter your Google Sign-In Name and Password listed on the previous screen.

9. You should now be in the Domain Control Center

10. Click on the domain name you need to unlock.

11. Click on the "Locking" button in the menu bar.

12. Select the radial button next to "Unlock" and click the "OK" button.

13. Click the "OK" button again on the "Processing" screen.

Request the Authorization Code (获取授权码)

To request the authorization code for your domain name, you will need to follow the below instructions.

1. Go to and click on 'Returning user, sign inhere' on the top right.

2. Enter your domain and select "Manage this Domain" from the drop down and click 'Go.'

3. Now you will need to login to your Google account utilizing a username and password you previously created specifically for Google Apps for your domain. If you do not know this information, click 'Forgot your administrator username or password?'

4. Once logged in, select 'Domain Names' from the blue box that lists your domain.

5. Click on "Advanced DNS Settings".

6. You will now see listed your GoDaddy Google Sign-In Name, Password, and PIN.

7. Select "Sign in to DNS Console" in order to manage your DNS settings.

8. Now enter your Google Sign-In Name and Password listed on the previous screen.

9. You should now be in the Domain Control Center

10. Click on the domain name you need to request the authorization code for.

11. Find and click on the link "Send by Email" next to "Authorization Code" to the left of the domain details screen.

12. The Authorization code will now be sent to the Administrative Email address.


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